Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Market Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Market - Assignment Example Trying to sell it to people from the lower social class will make it seem like an inferior product (Camillo 67). Therefore, I can take advantage of this situation and advertise this product to people of the upper and middle social class in order to for it get the purchases it deserves. The product will be packaged in relatively expensive cases in order to give it that wealthy touch. Personal influence can also be tied to social influence whereby people who consume wine want to be seen as people with wealth or class in the society (Camillo 72). That is why when we visit people they insist on offering us wine to prove their class. Therefore, I can incorporate a renowned public figure during the advertisements of the product in order for people who consume it to feel associated with the figure. Also, the casing of the wine will have a picture of the person, which will attract more people to it. A lot people perceive that taking alcohol will give them the happy mood they have been longing for (Camillo 88). Therefore, during advertisements, a happy person should be incorporated in it in order for buyers to also want the same feeling. Happiness is priceless; hence, the price of the product should replicate what it gives to the

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